My poor attempt at shooting one of my sister in laws DARLING headbands rendered unsuccessful. I did however FINALLY get a picture of our little Layla's ginormous grin.

Side note:
One of my bow ties was part of a feature on one of my favorite blogs. Check it out HERE


The Fox Family said...

aww! This is adorable! What a big smile! She sure looks a lot like you!


oh my goodness. I need to see her NOW!!! She is SO cute. I love her big smile and I love Z and your bow tie:) How cute.

brooke said...

she is so darling jess...

Hannah Stayner said...


Hannah Stayner said...
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Welcome said...

She is so cute! I love her and want to come hold her. And you are totally pro at taking candid shots. I need to be tutored and I need a new camera.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

That is one of the cutest faces I have EVER seen!

Freddie said...

that made me smile so big ! Little Layla with a smile, bigger than her whole face ha ha,, darling baby . Congrats on the feature of the tie,, Zander is a STAR!

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the headband when you capture a sweet moment like that!

Anonymous said...

I just followed the link and those are beautiful headbands and clips- I think I may have to make a purchase but how do you chose?