
Wow! I never thought I would say this, but I am really slacking when it comes to taking pictures of my little Z-Baby. I'm sure Zander isn't complaining though. He's starting to hate having his picture taken. Anyway, here are some pics that I took around a month ago. I love his red cheeks!


Jennifer Heath said...

Hey Slacker,
I for one am happy to see some new pictures! You may have to quit taking pictures of other peoples children if you keep neglecting The "Z" boys Granikin, because as you know, it is all about me!

Hannah Stayner said...

ha ha. I love him. You are so good at it I dont want you to get burnt out!

Kalli said...

I love those pics Jess if anything your blog is a advertisment for your awesome abilities with the camera I sure wished you lived closer...