No baby here

So it's official. Zander is not a baby anymore. I took these pictures of him today and he just looks so grown up!

He is quite the multi-tasker. Not only is he upside-down on his head, but he is balancing on one foot while attempting to brush his teeth. WOW, exercise and good hygiene! Have we raised him right or what!

It's too bad he was having so much fun because he actually fell off the bed right after this picture. As mean as this sounds, I think it's kind of funny when he falls off the bed. Sad but funny. I think I need therapy.

One word. BEAUTY.

and finally, the picture that brings joy to my soul. I'm borderline obsessed with him. Ok, so not borderline, I AM OBSESSED.



hahahaha those pics are SO cute. I love that last one he looks SO happy:)

Anonymous said...

ok jesi and paul time for #2. Your baby is all grown up and you need to spread out all that obsession so zander has a chance at a normal life! haha

Hillarys little Paynes said...

hahahahaha what a munchkin! he truly is seeming all grown up lately. i cant believe how fast it goes. i swear you just had him.

Freddie said...

ha ha ha and what was he saying in the last pic? wow those are such cute pics. love that z.

Freddie said...

Oh ya I forgot to tell you about the time my friend was jumping on the bed with a tooth brush in her mouth and fell and shoved it down her throat and put a hole in the back of her throat. Ok oK that was a hypathetical story just to make you squirm. :)

Ashley said...

Doesn't it seem like they grow up over night? one night there a baby and then they wake up and they are talking and walking.

Hannah Stayner said...

leave it to freddie to tell a scary nasty dark story about a toothbrush accident...

ha ha. Z is soooo special!

"All you need is love" said...

Darling...but who does he look like? It's a mystery.

Emily Young said...

Jess- I can't believe how big he is getting! I miss you guys so much. I have been drumming up some business for you. Stormi wants you to take pics of her boys next time you come up.