Can you say, CREEPY?

I was "blog-stalking" the other day and came upon this lovely picture shown below. This person was completely serious about this hanging in their home and thought it was a "cool cute idea"! In addition, they included do-it-yourself instructions to make your own! Hey, mothers day is coming up, you could give this along with a Chucky doll and a butcher knife!


kateworthi said...

A little weird - I do agree. I definitely would NEVER want that in my house! I just hope the person that you blog-stalked doesn't run into your post and see you making fun of this! :) I guess it doesn't matter if you don't know 'em though!

Paul said...

I don't know what is more "creepy."
The fact that you are a blog stalker, or this coat rack!

Love your hubby!

Jennifer Heath said...

I'm with Paul!It does have a creep out factor of 10 out of 10! And by the way if this is my only choice for mother's day ah.. I'm good. Are you now stalking people on their blogs? We may need to put together an intervention.

Ashley said...

Who needs to stuff animals anymore? we can stuff our kids when they are naughty! the ultimate time out! Your kids will never misbehave again! haha


Leave it to jesi to find the funny stuff, If I was to blog stock I would just end up finding a bunch of weird japanese singles sites or gay guys in drag posting to there Queen bees! Opps I might get in trouble for being so mean!

Anonymous said...

Dang it! I made one for your birthday... I guess I can sell it on EBAY.

Ashley said...

Hannah, you didn't use Smith did you? Is he acting up already? I figured they would have to be at least 2 before you tossed this idea around.

"All you need is love" said...

I've had way to many convo's with other peeps to know you are not unusual...9/10 blog stock! I bet even Paul, by the by that is the weirdest thing I have ever seen.