You have been Rick Roll'd

I hate to take away from the beautiful post my wife just put up...make sure and scroll down to witness the glory we call Zander,

but... I HAD to do this to you.

Make sure you turn up your speakers really loud. You are in for a treat.


Kalli said...

All I can say is where was I when they casted the back up dancers!?

Hillarys little Paynes said...

what in the world made you think to look up this? maybe you missed your calling in life paul. this guy is not to far removed from you and your dancing skills. Jack is just staring at the screen waiting for me to type in his name so he knows that i have informed you that he wants to come to your house. no pressure though hehe. now he says that he loves you.

Freddie said...

I cant stop watching it. Im so fasinated. the jeans and the high button shirt are amazing. please please paul hannah and k c ,, can you reinact this at our reunion?

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

You guys are so wierd! Haha, just kidding. You really are pretty funny though!